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clanwar details

date: 06.06.2009
game / squad: Mario Kart Wii
opponent: T4 / Tri4ce
league: Clanwar 5on5 [matchlink]
maps: Grand Prix 1, Grand Prix 2, Grand Prix 3, Grand Prix 4
map result
Grand Prix 1 130 : 96
Grand Prix 2 102 : 113
Grand Prix 3 122 : 99
Grand Prix 4 124 : 98
total 478 : 406
τττ team: MH, wimmi, Dani, Ostro, Sma
T4 team: Big, Hot4You, Tighty, Stylar, Xeras/Bandit
server: WFC
hltv server:


Ich glaub, 2x Unterzahl von uns und 1x von T4.


ttt - Team TT
Ostro - 49 + 18 + 39 + 25 = 131
Dani - 15* + 15* + 15* + 17 = 62
MH - 31 + 7 + 18 + 22 = 78
Smasho - 13 + 32 + 9 + 21 = 75
wimmi - 22 + 30 + 41 + 39 = 132

T4 - Tri4ce
Big - 22 + 27 + 23 + 17 = 89
Hot4You - 22 + 17 + 34 + 16 = 89
Tighty - 18 + 13 + 5 + 15 = 51
Stylar - 16 + 31 + 22 + 35 = 104
Xeras/Bandit - 18 + 25 + 15* + 15* = 73


Differenz: 72

01. wimmi - 132
02. Ostro - 131
03. Stylar - 104
04. Hot4You - 89
05. Big - 89
06. MH - 78
07. Smasho - 75
08. Xeras /Bandit - 73
09. Dani - 62
10. Tighty - 51


GP1 - 150ccm
N64 DK's Jungle Parkway
Koopa Cape
N64 Bowser's Castle
GCN DK Mountain

GP2 - 150ccm
GBA Bowser's Castle 3
Dry Dry Ruins
Grumble Volcano
N64 Mario Raceway

GP3 - Mirror
DS Delfino Square
DS Peach Gardens
N64 Sherbet Land
GCN Waluigi Stadium

GP4 - Mirror
Luigi's Circuit
Coconut Mall
N64 Mario Raceway
Maple Treeway

Comments disabled.
Copyright © 2009-2010
Design by Doublekey.de - Re-Designed and arranged by τeam ττ and povupine.com
Mario Kart and Wii are trademarks of Nintendo - used images © Nintendo
mk8 05.09.2014
RS - 390:291
mk8 17.08.2014
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mk8 27.06.2014
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mk8 22.06.2014
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mk8 21.06.2014
AR - 339:357

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