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clanwar details

date: 14.03.2010
game / squad: Mario Kart Wii Ladies
opponent: DZ / Dark Zone
league: WCL [matchlink]
maps: Grand Prix 1, Grand Prix 2, Grand Prix 3
map result
Grand Prix 1 156 : 88
Grand Prix 2 161 : 83
Grand Prix 3 129 : 115
total 446 : 286
τττ team: Wosie, Lyca, Yuna, 8-bit.bonb0n, Nile
DZ team: Mex, boo, Rafa, Thanos, impmon
server: WFC
hltv server:

Bericht folgt..


ttt - Team TT
Yuna - 8 + 4 + 21 = 33
Banshee (Wosie) - 34 + 49 + 14 = 97
Lyca - 60 + 55 + 49 = 164
Bloopa (Nile) - 30 + 30 + 13 = 73
8BB&Zx (8-bit.) - 24 + 23 + 32 = 79

Dz - Dark Zone
Mex - 32 + 9 + 36 = 77
boo - 19 + 12 + 30 = 61
Rafa - 11 + 15 + 13 = 39
Thanos - 16 + 19 + 13 = 48
impmon - 10 + 28 + 23 = 61

Differenz: 160

01. Lyca - 164
02. Banshee (Wosie) - 97
03. 8BB&Zx (8-bit.) - 79
04. Mex - 77
05. Bloopa (Nile) - 73
06. boo - 61
07. impmon - 61
08. Thanos - 48
09. Rafa - 39
10. Yuna - 33


GP1 - 150ccm
N64 Bowser's Castle
Bowser's Castle
N64 Sherbet Land
Dry Dry Ruins

GP2 - Mirror
N64 Mario Raceway
N64 DK's Jungle Parkway
GBA Bowser's Castle 3
DS Delfino Square

GP3 - 150ccm
GCN Peach Beach
Toad's Factory
SNES Mario Circuit 3
SNES Ghost Valley 2


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#1 by Jillian Clanmember 14.03.2010 - 22:24
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#2 by MH Clanmember 15.03.2010 - 07:27
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Lyca @ 55 Avg. WTF amused

#3 by 234her 25.03.2010 - 10:44
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