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  • Personal Info
Nickname: mobilephones
Status: offline
Usertitle: Rank 1
Contact: n/a
Homepage: n/a
Real Name:
Gender: not available
Age: 30.11.-0001 ( years)
Location: not available n/a
Registered since: 15.01.2010 - 04:38
Last Login: 15.01.2010 - 04:46

  • About

  • Clan / Equipment
Clan: n/a
(HP: n/a)
Irc-Channel: n/a
Clan-History: n/a
Controller: n/a
Stars: n/a
Friendcode: n/a
I-Connection: n/a
  • Userpic:

  • Latest Visitors    (7)
not available Desrosiers 4795d20h58m offline
not available Banfie 4806d18h25m offline
not available Jawdah 4891d2h offline
not available Desjardz 4895d1h2m offline

  • Statistics
Newsposts: 0
Newscomments: 0
Clanwarcomments: 0
Messenger (incoming): 24985
Messenger (outgoing): 0
Copyright © 2009-2010
Design by Doublekey.de - Re-Designed and arranged by τeam ττ and povupine.com
Mario Kart and Wii are trademarks of Nintendo - used images © Nintendo
mk8 05.09.2014
RS - 390:291
mk8 17.08.2014
G37 - 359:337
mk8 15.08.2014
ESP - 343:353
mk8 27.06.2014
G37 - 299:396
mk8 22.06.2014
=★ - 491:493
mk8 21.06.2014
AR - 339:357

τττ Core statistics
Wars:341(0.06 / day)
Filter:last 50last 100
Best:Ø +137vs. N3C
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